V-Guard is a well-known brand that manufactures a variety of electrical appliances and products, including pedestal fans.

A pedestal fan is a type of electric fan that is mounted on a tall stand or pedestal. These fans are designed to provide effective cooling and air circulation in rooms, and they are typically adjustable in terms of height and fan speed. V-Guard, as a company, is known for producing a range of electrical and electronic products, including fans, voltage stabilizers, water heaters, and more. They have a reputation for quality and reliability in the Indian market.V-GUARD fans models available are Fanza Prime,Finesta STS NEO II,Glado STS ,Finesta STS PRIME II,Finesta Neo HSP,Finesta Remote NEO,Finesta STS PLUS

Tharakan Machines ,post office road ,Thrissur have varieties of pedestal fan .

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